1)What camera do you shoot with?
I shoot with a canon dslr eos rebel t2i with many accessories, nothing too fancy at the moment but its getting there
2)Every Did a Nude Photo shoot for someone?
Actually I haven't, many of people (ladies) have told me they would like to set something up but never actually go threw with it, I guess its the nervousness that comes along with getting naked in front of a camera,
But if anyone would like to something nude holla at me I got tons of great ideas in mind that I could put to use I might even throw in a discounted rate just because its gonna be my first nude shoot
3)How do you handle promoters that don't wanna pay up?
Unfortunately I haven't came across that problem yet because now in days its so many of these so called "photographers" out here that take those kinds of jobs verses the professorial ones don't get me wrong im not a hater nor am i trying to knock anyone's hustle but leave it to the people that do this as a job and not a hobbie. Plus i haven't found a good enough promoter to try and do business with them if you know anyone refer me...
4)Every Had Drinks spill on you camera? if so how did you react?
No,but if it were to happen I probably would shit bricks ahahaha
5)What makes you an "OriginalGoGetter"?
That's a good question there are alot of things that makes me an OriginalGoGetter. Such as im very ambitious meaning I don't wait for things to be handed to me on a sliver platter. I dont expect for anyone to do things for me that I can already do for my self. Theres been many of times when people criticize my work but that only made me work harder. A Go getter to me is someone who is hungry for what they want so they go out and hunt for it and thats who i am so yeah i guess you can say am an OriginalGoGetter.
Contact info
Terrell King from Baltimore 2 NYC
20 years of age